发布时间:2009-03-31 浏览次数:


【关键词】美元霸权; 金融“核战略”;
【英文关键词】 hegemony of the US dollar; nuclear financial strategy;
【摘要】 布雷顿森林体系解体后,美元逐渐成为世界本位货币。凭借美元的霸权地位,美国得以在长时间内依靠扩张性的宏观经济政策来谋私,而让全世界来为其分担这些政策实施的成本。为了维持并加强美元的霸权地位,美国采取了一系列被我们定义为金融"核战略"的货币和金融政策。在该战略的实施下,美国在过去的几十年中成功地打击了一些对其构成威胁的潜在竞争对手。近年来,美国已逐渐将矛头瞄准了经济日益强大的中国。为了应对美国的金融战略,本文的政策建议是:回归固定汇率;调整税率平价;慎重对待金融自由化。
【英文摘要】 After the disintegration of the Bretton Woods System, the US dollar has gradually become the standard currency of the world. The US has been taking advantage of the hegemony of the US dollar for a long time through the implementation of expansionary macroeconomic policies, while the rest of the world have to share the costs. In order to maintain and enhance the power of its currency, the US has successfully struck some of its potential rivals in the past a few decades. And recently, the US is turning its ta...